Sitecake configuration files are located in the /sitecake folder.
├── <version>/
│ ├── client/
│ └── config/
│ ├── ...
│ └── config.php
├── credentials.php.default
├── credentials.php
└── editor.cnf
There are three configuration files:
- /sitecake/credentials.php - contains the CMS admin password
- /sitecake/editor.cnf - editor/toolbar configuration
- /sitecake/<version>/config/config.php - general CMS configuration
Admin password
The credentials.php file contains the admin password only. The password is kept on the server as a SHA1 hash. It looks like this:
<?php $credentials = "d033e22ae348aeb5660fc2140aec35850c4da997"; ?>
Default password is admin. It can be changed through Sitecake login dialog change password option.
Alternatively, new password can be set manually by editing the credentials.php file. The SHA1 hash (characters between double quotes) should be replaced by a new SHA1 hash value. A new hash could be obtained, for example, using any online SHA1 encoder tool (e.g. SHA1 Online).
In case you forgot the password, reset it to default by replacing credentials.php with credentials.php.default.
Editor configuration
editor.cnf file is Sitecake editor and toolbar configuration. It looks like this:
# Toolbar configuration
# Toolbar.components - the list of content type available on the toolbar
# Possible components:
# HEADING1 - text - H1
# HEADING2 - text - H2
# HEADING3 - text - H3
# HEADING4 - text - H4
# HEADING5 - text - H5
# HEADING6 - text - H6
# TEXT - text
# TEXTLIST - text list
# IMAGE - image
# FLASH - any flash/swf content
# VIDEO - youtube/vimeo/etc. flash/html5 video
# MAP - google map widget
# HTML - row HTML block
# FILE - generic file upload
# SEP - toolbar module separator
# upload size limit in KB
FileUploaderItem.uploadSizeLimit = 8192
# interface language (en, sl, sr, es, de, fr, dk, it, ru, cs, sk, pt, pt-br, auto)
Locale.code = auto
Toolbar.components is a list of items you want to allow for editing. By default only H1-H3 headings are allowed. The list can be reordered and customized with empty spaces (SEP).
FileUploaderItem.uploadSizeLimit sets maximum image / file size for upload. Sometimes, default of 8192 KB can be a problem for your large images. Feel free to change it.
Locale.code sets UI language. Default is auto detection based on IP address of the editor. Sitecake UI is translated to 12 languages. Look here for more details on localization.
General configuration
config.php file sets general CMS configuration options like:
debug = false - Indicates wheather Sitecake is in debug mode. This has impact on error displaying and logging.
entry_point_file_name = sitecake.php - Entry point file can be renamed to improve security. Once renamed set this configuration value to the new file name.
session.save_handler = files - Session handler used on server. Can be set to 'files', 'memcache', 'memcached' and 'redis'.
session.options - Options for session storage. Possible options are commented inside config file. ini_set function have to be enabled on server to be able to use these options with native session handler.
log.size = 2MB - Maximum log size before file is being archived and new log file is created.
log.archive_size = 5 - Number of archived log files kept on server
error.level'] = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT; - PHP error level.
site.default_pages = 'index.html','index.htm','index.php','index.php5' - Array of default index pages. Sitecake will use extensions found here when searching for editable website files.
pages.prioritize_manual_changes = true - Each time Sitecake opens a page for editing it can start from two different sources: draft editing from the last session or original HTML page from the server. By default this option is set to true, which means that if there are manual changes to HTML it will discard draft and start anew from updated HTML.
pages.use_document_relative_paths = true - Indicates whether generated pages should be linked relatively to the document root or the site root. If this option is set to true, document relative paths will be used for navigation links href value. Otherwise, site relative paths will be used.
filesystem.adapter = local - If the PHP process on the server doesn't have permission to write to the website root files then use the 'ftp' adapter and provide necessary FTP access properties. FTP protocol will be used to manage the website root files.
Please open config.php to see additional options.